Read More Info on UK Firms So don't be taken in by claims of "Established in 1880" on many legal websites as if it means something incredible. Unfortunately when it comes to legal matters, people are not as motivated to leave reviews compared to their local Chinese Take-Away or the online Tram... With barristers you'll also find they tend to specialise much more niche-ly than solicitors. Usually when we review a firm we have to use a lot of our experience such as knowledge of the relevant agencies the firm might be registered with, tracking down alternate names,... However, before the 1to1Legal brand came into being, we ran a similar but different service referring people to solicitors. But from 1999 to 2007, it was not uncommon for some of us to be face down on a wet pavement taking photographs of potholes and interviewing clients. ... See the video embedded above or their YouTube channel for more information. One of our favourite quotes from the Ashworth website, is: "Our specialist motoring law solicitors continue to be at the forefront of innovating unique and successful driving defences which man... Therefore success rates can't be compared directly. I don't know if you've seen our recent posts, but there have been a lot of fake emails from solicitors going around. They also state: class="infoquote "We charge fair, reasonable rates or act on a NO WIN NO FEE basis ... There is a news section on Auto Logistic's website, but we'd call it more of a blog as it describes job vacancies, Christmas opening times, with a few non-internal matters such as an article about falling fuel prices. We don't act as a middle man. We're usually far less coll... I would highly recommend them"< div> Sadly review boards can be manipulated both ways - i.e. If you read through them rather than just skipping through star ratings, you get a much better feel for the company's strengths and weaknesses as common threads can repeat. For ... If you click on each person's name you can also see their qualification date and specialist areas. The loss of legal aid for practically everything has completely altered the legal fee landscape. Peter King qualified in 1982, Samantha Harris in 1999, Fatima Musa in 2016, rig... In all honesty, having run YouTube channels for various firms in various industries - law firms will struggle to obtain actual clients from creating content on video sharing websites. As you can see, though, B+M have resisted the urge to publicise their connection with the n... They in turn will then often approach Barristers for advice and representation if your case proceeds to Court. They are not a traditional law firm, so whatever pre-conceptions you have about dealing with legal professionals - working direct with a barrister is unlikely to ma... http:< a> - another of theirs obviously aimed at businesses. Not a national spread of locations if you're wanting someone local - but some comfort can always be taken simply in the size of a ... We love case studies in the same way teenagers love YouTube. With Briffa though, there's bucket loads. It was an actual Blog. We're always open about the fact that some of the firms we review might be current partners of ours. He speaks fluent German and French and still ... So why the decision to write this article anyway? I don't know if you're a regular visitor, but we've put out a few articles recently about claims funding, early treatment, and psychological care. A photo, some history and details of expertise go a long way to instill... If we see a lot of people using our internal search to seek a review article on a particular firm - we write one. Yet despite CSL Law having been on our network since 2014, no-one has asked. So to make sure people didn't have to leave our site if they didn't need to and... Please contact us to arrange for one of our experts to come to see you." < font> That offer will definitely appeal to one particular group of case types commonly known as 'serious injury' compensation claims. He is also on the Law Society's Personal Injury Panel since ... Solicitors tend to pick comments that are utterly glowing but lacking any information that could help a potential client actually decide whether they sound like the type of firm they're after. class="infoquote "We understand that the claims process can be overwhelming... Today's article centres around the firm SBW Law. At this office the range of experience goes from Alasdair Brown who qualified in 1991 right up to Christopher Lackner who qualified in 2017. Whilst there shouldn't be such issues with the case range SBW Law handle, you should... Losing a license can often mean losing a job, let alone the school run, grocery shopping, weekends away, nights out, kids clubs, etc, etc, etc. However, if it's something more serious and your whole life could change without the ability to drive yourself around - then the c... The Track & Trace service works on a no trace, no fee basis so that if they don't find the person - you don't pay. Which means it is probably best to bookmark the site once you are positive you're on the correct one to save problems later. Specialising in law firm debt colle... So, another point to Edward Hands and Lewis.
Arguments could be made about the reliability of email vs Royal Mail, but EHL has decided to express faith in technology:
class="infoquote "Whilst EHL generally communicate with their clients by email, we will communica... The firm's owner and Principal Solicitor Julia Brown is a member of resolution, and have achieved accredited specialist status with them in relation to both cohabitee disputes and financial matters on divorce.
The chances are at some point in your life you or someone y... However we did spot:
class="infoquote "We give you peace of mind through a free 30 minute consultation, ensuring that we meet your exact requirements. We also read in the reviews about how Glover Priest have an online tracking system for clients so they can log in at ... (Pause to raise an eyebrow.) We didn't see any of such fishy goings-on for Hampson Hughes though.
class="infoquote "We can help secure access to expert rehabilitation services to ensure that you have the quickest recovery possible."< div>
We wish more solicitors... It's simply that such a large amount of what we found related to their property side. That will provide you better details about their expertise and experience. In most cases you can work with us directly by phone, email and our secure client portal or we are happy to meet w... Employment Law - addresses the legal rights of employees and employers. However, their site is, not which doesn't seem to work at all.
. Clearly a slight lean towards immigration matters, but the articles may diversify more over t... It's not a foolproof system and there are other ways to spot fake reviews which we'll be covering in a more in depth articled to be rolled out shortly.
class="infoquote "gave me some free advice on our rights and made suggestions on how to handle the disagreement"
... By the umpteenth award, we did what most people would do - i.e. His business premises include a basement bar and space, and he donates this free of charge as a venue for new music."< div>
... Indeed, we have a couple of firms on our panel just now that still work under... On any decent law firm's website you should expect to see a landline number, an email address, and an online contact form. We even dig through a little background on the staff, and more. 'He said, she said' conversations are not reliable sources of information.
Another big plus and something that's not common at all, is IWC's blog section with real help and information articles. Most law firms are moving away from the charge-by-the-hour setup and giving clients a quote up front. They were voted the number one legal probate... These include Tough Mudder, 5km, 10km and marathon runs, cupcake sales, donation boxes and so on. I really don't know how I would have managed without them ..."< div>
etc. The Group as a whole apparently donate two percent of profits to the foundation. But even though t... Unfortunately most solicitors are fond of vague and adjective-filled praise devoid of any useful information. Jarmans do push forward one common sales pitch argument though, regarding the law firm's perceived age:
class="infoquote "We give legal advice to individuals, ... They also deal with setting aside statutory demands over consumer credit agreements where goods and services have been purchased using credit.
On top of that, they offer advice and services relating to Will Disputes, Inheritance Act Claims, Personal Insolvency, Employme... Another paragraph that caught our eye, was:
class="infoquote "Each of our personal estate managers are dedicated to supporting families during their time of need. Any complaints that do exist are usually when a client feels that the case had gone on for longer than the... did show up in the search results, but we could find no link between them and King's View. The aim is not just to better serve barristers in doing their job but more importantly to better serve solicitors and clients."< div>
Being able to ... I have said I never want to move again but if I do I will definitely come back to Lambert Pugh and will be recommending them to anyone else I know wanting to move. Buying and selling property is nerve racking. Beyond that, they offer a 'no completion, no fee' guarantee. All ... was the web address we were provided by the firm and is owned by another firm. As many people may type "cornwalllaw" or "lawcornwall" by mistake, it's probably best to bookmark the site once you're on it.. 'No win no fee' is not ... If you are a returning client you may have used the web address in the past. Even if you don't want to Skype them, the fact they have obviously put thought and action into how they communicate with their clients is still a big plus in their favour .
Lee... So they're sort of a cross between what we do and TrustPilot.
Why is this more helpful than regular review forums such as Google or Facebook or Yellow Pages? Because they're moderated. This is always a useful tool to see what real resources are available at most law fir... A lot of the cliches and common exaggerations we see on most firm's websites are happily missing. You get specialist firms for things like criminal law or property, and you get general practice firms that handle everything from personal injury to wills. MacLachlan do this b... However, where it is not possible to determine the amount of time any work is likely to take, charges will be calculated on the basis of time spent. As a commercial lawyer with more than 20 years’ experience providing legal support to companies and individuals - his clients ... They have also been awarded the Lexcel Practice Management Standard by the Law Society. Obviously trying www.mcshane& will never work, but neither will it seems. They are licensed to practice in the Republic of Ireland, and they were the first la... Only the super rich will hire an expensive London expert, then fly them up to Bradford to visit them at the police station and go to court. Not only does Meresbrook Pollard have a unique case range that we've not seen elsewhere, but the reason we wanted them on our network a... Some staff have been to university and some members of staff have caring responsibilities."
Just a quick note on navigation though. Ian has 30 years experience in residential and commercial property. Colum came to the firm after working in Hong Kong and having his own ... On the 1to1Legal search function we always try to ensure there's a balanced number of specialist firms such as this alongside the general practice firms that cover a range of legal and or business matters. There aren't too many possible variants to worry about and scammers t... Also, each person will be looking to feel understood. Worse still, are those firms where the receptionist asks you personal questions, you answer them, she walks through to the solicitor's office, tries to repeat what you've said, listens to the solicitor, walks back to thei... We believe that raising awareness of the risks of exposure to carcinogens at work will help save lives. Other funding options are available, such as a fixed fee agreement, meaning you pay no unexpected costs. There are also websites at and but... Over the last 31 years, we have dealt with some of the UK’s largest and most complex serious injury cases, achieving numerous multi-million pound settlements for our clients."< div>
There are an unbelievable number of personal injury claims firms out there.
Right ... They were a niche firm, but have spread out both in case types and locations. There are staff profiles with photos and direct contact details on the main website too, plus a page about their fundraising for the http:" Little Miracles Chari... - and we believe that when it comes to criminal law, size and speciality really can make a difference. That was it, and despite having never been a criminal solicitor - I would imagine the old 'honey vs vinegar' adage would apply when dealing with the police anyway?
class="infoquote "Whenever appropriate and possible we will seek interim payments to ensure that our clients' most pressing financial or medical needs are met."< div>
This is actually a much harder thing to do during a case than simply pushing for a final settlem... White Collar director Philip Nam's profile states his more than a dozen years of legal and administrative experience in advocacy, consumer law, contracts, employment, legal costs and more. site's owner is a private businessman, the website is a Limited company, and there isn...
Please check out the new US Law Firm Reviews section on our sister site.